Saturday, February 2, 2008

What Were You Thinking, Calling Yourself Stupid?

you did the right thing. and if now you feel a little regretful, in doubt if all your sleepless nights had been worth all the wakefulness when you ached thinking, second-guessing what he wasn't doing -- that, dear me, is part of your healing.

didn't it feel wonderful walking, and you not thinking? only the rise and fall of the pavement told you where you were. wasn't it exhilarating just breathing in the air, while you choked back the tears you thought were coming? and then you changed your mind because suddenly you remembered you're done crying over some-flawless-man-off-in-the-distance-and-when-he-moved-closer-you-knew-he-wouldn't-do-at-all years ago. (oh, dear sylvia!)

be glad that you have helped an individual realize that he cannot always be at the receiving end.

find bliss in the thought that he will never meet another one like you no matter how many lives he lives.

still, wasn't it a lot better walking than waiting for him to agree to an eye operation for the non-blinds?

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