Saturday, February 2, 2008

Don’t Go Out Alone Into The Night


We understand your need to see the world,
to know what it is out there.
We can tell you what they are,
what they mean,
what's beneath them,
but of course,
you wouldn't take the lessons from us –
you want to learn first hand.

Quite a few times you heard must-not-be-heard words from us
and you'd almost always cry,
but instead of showing us the brave tears
you'd go out into the night in your bike
returning only when the lights were out.

We never liked any of the girls
you introduced as your girlfriend.
Either they don't have the bearing
and refinement of our little sister
or they lack the intelligence I’d hope they possess.

But you're your own man.
we will give you that, but –
please, don't go out alone into the night.

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