Saturday, February 2, 2008

To Myself the Day After the End of the World

What did I tell you about yesterday?
Today is another day.
Today makes your worries of 24 hours ago things of the past.
(Yeah, cliché, so what? Isn’t life one great rhetorical routine?)

Did you end up in the evening news?
Did you die?
Were you annihilated? No.
Did your hurt lead you to numbness?

Or the opposite?

Aren't you happier now?
Doesn't the morrow look more promising today?
Don't the clothes fit perfectly again?
Your hair, the most beautiful?

You needed yesterday's darkness to see fireflies in the night.
You needed the tears to buy back the smile you pawned for a second's madness.

Do you still breathe?
Does it still hurt?
Do you still wait for the one who has given you up for something you're not?

You enjoy shopping and you go to the malls
for clothes and shoes worship. You don’t have to quit shopping now.
You are not done buying things for yourself.
But this time you don't use currencies.
You spend your life by either living or wasting one day out of it.

Move on by living your life one doomsday at a time.

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