Saturday, February 2, 2008

To Myself On the Day the World Would End

You are going to make it through this day.
This day will pass too, like the other days.
It may be longer this time,
but it will end because the sun has to set later,
and the late night news has to broadcast.

Chances are your situation isn’t all that bad
for you to end up in the evening news.
It is just pain.
It is just the inability to breathe properly
without tears.
It is just voices in your head asking questions
to which you have no answers. Yet.
It is just you hurting now.
And when this day is over,
we will know if the hurt will turn to numbness,
or death.

Today will be over. Rest on that truth.
(The truth is a soft pillow. But it can also be stone hard. Take your pick.)

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