Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mancom in Baguio

Here are the pictures of the Management Committee where I work. The conference was held in Baguio from February 5 to 7, 2009. (Click the pics for larger views.)

Under the glorious sun: Charlyne, Mia, Mwah and SIB.

Back Row (L-R): Pilar, Kat, Charlyne, Roldin, Mardi. Middle Row (L-R): COS, Annie, Mia, SIB, Mwah, Annie-Vi, Ma'am Lina, Malou, Regie, LAR. Front Row (L-R): Mariliz and Jalvi

Faces and names same as above. I'm such a lazy bone!

You know the clue!

Aha! A stolen shot by our CEO who is a sworn-in, full-fledged photography savvy. Never had a picture taken like this. Thanks, boss!

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