Sunday, March 16, 2008


I don't usually drive on a Monday. Not when the stretch between Soutwoods Exit and Filinvest Corporate City Entrance is one hell of an obstacle course. Lanes change in head spinning regularity, the road you're on now may be the road blocked off later. And signs and barricades prove useless when you are on the road with blood-thirsty jeepney and bus drivers always ready for the kill for the extra minutes they can snatch to get ahead at the terminal line or pick passengers at the landing of Magallanes Interchange.

But today is an extraodinary Monday. I took a jeepney to Alabang via Susana Heights. Over the bridge and down the long SLEX highway was nary a sign of traffic congestion. Holy Monday!

I reached my office building. I looked around me and the side street parking was almost empty. I hate coming to work after 8 as there are usually no parking space left for me. The guard always nudges me to use my slot at the basement parking, the steep and narrow basement parking. Thanks, but no thanks.

Being the boss, I was approached by one of the staff to confirm 9:05's meeting. I asked if there is any reason why it should not push through. One said yes. I thought it was valid. I asked for the best time this morning. My OM texted me 11:30 a.m.

So between now and then, I am free to nurse my still throbbing third molar and take things sitting down while the anti-biotic meds massacre all my body's bacteria, both good and evil.

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