Sunday, March 16, 2008

An Email Dated November 20, 2004

i dug through my e-mails searching for the key to my forgotten password so i may blog again the creek line. and burried deep is an e-mail sent on my birthday four years ago. from you. leo.

both scorps, you and i believe in the supernatural, in the unseen, in the unknown. but we try to keep sane. no, not try. we are sane. we just believe in things most sane people don't.

both scorps, we enjoy what most people enjoy. but we enjoy it with the madness of the wicked, of the shameless. and the same madness forgives us for not wanting it the longest time one endures before one dies. wanting it.

both scorps, our humor is our own. we laugh at them who don't. we conceal mirth for pleasure. we love. we lust. we forgive. we sin. we own up. we cry. in the dark. and smile with eyes on the ground and hands on our lips.

i wonder what part of the globe you are now. i can't read latitudes and longitudes. all lines are the same to me. no verticals. just horizons.

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