Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dear Noynoy (My Version),

Many of the promises you made during the campaign will not be fulfilled. I know that for a fact. But it is not the promises you made that made me vote for you. It is what you represent. You advertised for change and I want that, not that I buy it. You advertised to fight for the marginalized and I want that, not that I believe you could do that. Hey! I didn't say you would not. You advertised to fight corruption, and I want that too, but not because I believe you could do that either. You advertised that you would not be indebted to anyone, only to those who would entrust you their votes. And again I want that, not that I believe you could do that.

At the end of your term and in between your term, the only body that can really run after you if you don't make good your promises is PANA. Remember truth in advertising?

Be that as it may, here are my shameless pieces of advice:

Please, mind the person you are going to assign at DENR. Remember Ondoy. Do not put someone who is in any way related to mining. If you do that, I will goddamn storm Malacanang and wring your neck! And heck! Listen to everyone and go make Malacanang your living quarters. Damn if we care if you turn it into a bachelor's pad at night as long as it is a completely functional presidential office at day time. For once, be your own man and shut Kris' mouth up!

As for education, fulfill this one promise of subsidizing tuition fees of poor students who would be sent to private schools. Do not build additional classrooms or schools nor hire new teachers for public schools. As these exercises are prone to corruption. Send students to private schools and pay their fees and strengthen DepED and CHED as they supervise to ensure that these private institutions only provide quality education. If you give these private schools paying students, they will have enough money for improvement of facilities and quality education. Maximize their facilities and manpower resource. It is about time to trust the private sector.

And while we're on the topic, have a tour at UP Diliman and have a heart to propose how to make full good use of the vast space awfully wasted in that campus. We had one foreign counterpart at the office tour that university the other day and we had the same sentiment.

If you can, make FVR DPWH secretary. KIDDING! Heck, get one of the guys of SMDC or SMPHI to head this department. Better yet, why not outsource all of DPWH from SMDC? Get the drift?

Also, is there a way you can have that stupid Lina Law abolished and slaughtered? I know Joey Lina ran as Laguna gov under LP, but hear this, we opted to vote for ER Ejercito, one of the better mayors in Laguna. Speaking of ER, if given the right opportunity, this guy will make a good president, way better than his uncle or that ambitious Chiz or that other Marcos. I suggest that you get ER as one of your advisers. Seriously!

Finally, i still don't like Shalani. Marry her, not marry her, I don't care.
